
Ubuntu 16.04 install nomachine server
Ubuntu 16.04 install nomachine server

backup make a backup of each existing destination file Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too. In the 4th form, create all components of the given DIRECTORY(ies).

ubuntu 16.04 install nomachine server

The existing DIRECTORY, while setting permission modes and owner/group. In the first three forms, copy SOURCE to DEST or multiple SOURCE(s) to Package on a GNU/Linux system, you should instead be using a package manager If you want to download and install a ready-to-use This install program copies files (often just compiled) into destination Output from install -help command should look like this: install -help If it’s not replaced by alias please change name of /bin/install file and try to install NoMachine again. To fix this issue you need to check if install command is not replaced by alias ( alias | grep install and if it’s on the list unalias install). install is a basic command used on all linux distributions for copying files and should not be replaced. If you need anything please let me know.Īs you can see your install command is replaced by some script that is trying to use apt. Something is wrong with the install script for my server. What I’m seeing in the log files DOES contradict the command prompt output, which I why I sent both. Did you get the files I sent after running the command Hawk mentioned? It’s my understand that the default paths should already be taken care of by the standard “dpkg -i ” command. Running the aforementioned command showed the ~ # /bin/install –helpĠ upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.

ubuntu 16.04 install nomachine server

I followed the DEB instructions per this page. I vaguely recall trying to install it once using 4.3 Tar instructions, but I deleted everything when that approach produced the same errors. I haven’t had any issues installing other programs using root or a sudo user. I have no idea what’s going on with this program.

Ubuntu 16.04 install nomachine server